
How who you choose to surround yourself with can affect your daily life 

In the society we live in today we come across many friendships with many different people. It could be the casual classroom friendship, the draining and/or negative friendship, or the friendship that leads to a full heart and success. Now I’m not going to tell you to end a friendship, or give you rules or regulations on what a perfect friendship is, for that wouldn’t be a friendship. However, if you are constantly feeling drained, or poorly treated, that friendship just might not be healthy for you. 

Friends are a blessing, and they certainly should lift you up when you are down. Who you choose to call your friends, and who you surround yourself with, is how you will act and who you will become, or how successful you may or may not be. We would all love to become successful, and be the best versions of ourselves each and every day. The above picture is my FAVORITE quote from a book. Once you find great friendships, you will realize how happy you can become, and sometimes that just happens to be happier than you ever have before. You will no longer stumble upon a negative thing someone says about you, and your heart will be full. You will no longer be put down, or blown off. If you are finding yourself in a manipulating or hurtful friendship, it may be better for the long run if you choose to shorten the time you spend together. You want someone who brings out the best in you, not someone who pressures you to be “cool” because that’s what everyone else is doing. True friends stick around, and they truly do help you become the best you, even if they differ in interests/values. They don’t degrade you or live your life for you. They live life with you, always by your side to help you attack the next thing that comes your way. In high school I have had so many different interactions, good and bad, but they have shaped me for who I am today. I can proudly say that I am now blessed with some of the greatest friends I have ever had, who continue to shape me into the best version of me everyday. Find friends that want to live a happy, successful, ambitious, confident, and empowered life with you, and don’t ever let them go. 

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down,one can help the other up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

21 thoughts on “Friends 

  1. Oh, my gosh! I read your post after posting mine (and seeing that you gave me a “like”…thank you by the way) and I can’t believe we were on the same page….I absolutely love the way you expressed your message…it is wonderfully-written and lovely and uplifting…a real breath of fresh air….for some reason, I can’t see where to click “like” but I will go to the Reader and click “like” there….thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much….I don’t know why, but I had such an brutal time writing this…the puns came as quickly as ever, but trying to put it all together was a bit of a nightmare…I’m still not sure that it is much good, but I am proud of myself for persevering…it means a lot that you liked it….that is so kind of you….it makes me feel great…thank you for the encouragement 🙂

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  2. Great post! 😊I think this is so true! In the past I’ve had people that I thought were my friends but their lies was something that affected me so I had to leave that behind. Nowadays I only try to surround myself with people that don’t expect anything from me, or to be pressured into doing something, and have been there when the times are bad. I think that’s how you know really who is a keeper and who’s not.

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  3. The law of association! this is a great post and something everybody needs to understand. we are who we surround ourselves with. this is why people need mentors in their lives because they’ll bring you up in the same way that great friends will. I’m a huge book reader so I’m curious what’s that book that you used a picture of? great post:))

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